Frequently Asked Questions

Where are lessons?

In person lessons are usually at the client’s house. It is important for a parent or guardian to be in the house during the entire lesson

Online lessons are conducted via Zoom, with a digital whiteboard, and digital math worksheets

What time slots are available?

Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 2pm

How does scheduling work?

You’ll be signing up for a weekly tutoring program. For most students, they’ll have sessions at the same time each week

We will discuss this during our initial consultation, and we can discuss changes to the schedule at any time

Who will tutor my child?

At the initial consultation, we’ll discuss your child’s learning needs, to identify the right tutor for your child

David supervises all tutors weekly to ensure your child’s math learning needs and working relationship are on track  

How does online tutoring work?

Students must have access to a computer, an audio headset with microphone, and a reliable Internet connection. During the session, we will be using an online collaborative whiteboard on Zoom video chat

The Zoom shared whiteboard enables both the student and teacher to write, talk and see each other

How often should my child have tutoring lessons?

Frequency of lessons depends on your child’s needs

If your child is behind on materials or needs extra support, two weekly 1-hour lessons are recommended

Otherwise, 1-hour per week is usually adequate. We can discuss this more in our initial consultation

What grades do you teach?

Grades 2 – 12

Can I book just a few lessons?

Lessons are priced based on a minimum of one lesson per week for 12 weeks
Please contact me for the price of one-off lessons or bi-weekly lessons

Can we do lessons at a library? 

Yes of course, if the location is mutually convenient

I need extra help this week, for example with homework assignments. Are you available?

If there is a need for more sessions beyond the weekly tutorial lessons, you can always reach out to us and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request

Do I have to commit to a certain number of lessons?

After the first trial lesson, the minimum commitment is to 11 more lessons

You can cancel at any time after that, with zero days notice