Group Math Lessons: Grades 2-5

Could your child benefit from some extra math help in a small group?

Math Club is offering small group math lessons. The maximum group size is six

All group lessons are run by experienced Math Club founder David

Price: $35/hour

Timing: Saturdays 10am-11am or 11am-12pm

Grow in Confidence 

Every child has the potential to succeed in math

We will support your child’s learning process so they grow in confidence with math

Enjoy math

The more your child enjoys the lesson, the more they learn

There will be a group game in the middle of the lesson

Earn rewards

Fun is important. And so are rewards

Small rewards such as stickers and other small items are given out for outstanding performance and achievement

Build a Foundation

Classes are designed to help build your child’s foundational knowledge of math

Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, symmetry, telling the time, and counting money


After each lesson, homework is provided

This will reinforce the knowledge your child has developed during the lesson

Reporting to parents

Parents are kept in the loop with a monthly update of their child’s progress by email


480 Montrose Ave


